Changes and typology of spatial configurations based on boundary perception
-Exploring the "experienced space" through visual layering-
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo
Graduation thesis: "Changes and types of spatial configurations based on boundary perception: Exploring the "experienced space" from visual layering"
We attempted to visualize the spatial experience by mathematically formulating visual layering and overlaying the "topography" of the layering on a floor plan. We also overviewed the entire history of architecture from the perspective of boundary perception, elucidating how spatial composition has changed and how architecture has acquired visual layering. Spatial experiences that have traditionally been described only with abstract terms such as "an ambiguous sense of depth" and "the feeling of being drawn in by your line of sight" were mathematically evaluated and analyzed in a reproducible and comparable manner, providing significant insight into design methods for creating richer spatial experiences.
Site: n/a
Year: 2011
Awards: Chuta Ito Award (Best Graduation Thesis Award, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo)